Tuesday 11 June 2013

Well hello, fancy seeing you here...

so...introductions *clears throat and stands up* My name is Nicola and I am an adult with ADHD. Actually I am many things: a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend and very often a frustrating pain in the backside. ADHD is my newest label, but my oldest problem. I live with my hubby and two kidlets in sunny Southampton and we are all going through the rollercoaster ride that is ADHD assessment, diagnosis and acclimatisation.
The first of us to be diagnosed was my eldest child and only daughter 'Boolah' who is now 7 years old (though she would be quick to point out nearly 8 year old). Next was my 4 1/2 years old son 'Sidlet' and trailing behind is 37 year old me. 
Both my children have been very recently diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and as part of the process I have been put on the path to a formal diagnosis too, though if I'm honest it will just be a rubber stamp to what I already know. So here I am, encouraged by my daughter's community nurse, inspired by a good friend who also blogs and fired by an overwhelming desire to write.

But heres the thing... I am distracted very very easily, I forget things ALL the time, not just the occasional birthday or where I put my keys. Let me give you an example from today. So far I have forgotten to give my daughter her meds before school, left the car door open- in the rain-for about 2 hours, half filled the washing machine and walked off to get more washing, got distracted, only to remember an hour later and finally put a wash on. I have started to create an online canvas print for my front room, but got bored and now have 7 different tabs open on my laptop, all searching for different subjects. All this before 1pm. So the honest truth is this: this blog may well be the start of something new and cathartic and exciting, or it may well be the only entry in another project that I forget about or get bored by. I would like to think that this time I will have some staying power. I have words and phrases and sentences and topics and ideas-so many ideas, all buzzing around my head and I would like to share. Come join my latest adventure, I may even come back again...